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<title>Ajax Sample</title>
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<h2>Dynamic Resul</h2>
<div id="results">

put revOpenDatabase("mysql","localhost","samples_people","samples_samples","samples09") into tConID

# Construct SQL
put "SELECT * FROM people" into tSQL

if tConID is a number then
# Execute SQL
put revDataFromQuery(tab, return, tConID, tSQL) into tList

set the itemdel to tab
put "<table cellpadding='3' width='360'>"
put "<tr><td width='20px'>ID</td><td width='120px'>Name</td><td width='35px'>Age</td><td>Email</td></tr>"
put "<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"
repeat for each line tLine in tList
put item 1 of tLine into tID
put item 2 of tLine into tName
put item 3 of tLine into tAge
put item 4 of tLine into tEmail

put "<tr><td>" & tID & "</td><td>" & tName & "</td><td>" & tAge & "</td><td>" & tEmail & "</td></tr>"
end repeat
put "</table>"

revCloseDatase tConID
end if